Fidalgo Networking

PC Repair Department's Guide to Quick and Easy Spyware Removal

Author: Jeremy & Aaron at Fidalgo Networking

Before We Begin:

Spyware cannot always be removed in a standard windows environment. Spyware is best removed in "Safe Mode" by allowing the deletion of otherwise protected spyware files. The same can be said for viruses.

This guide is meant to assist you in removing most of the spyware on your machine. This guide is not meant as a replacement for having a computer cleaned by an experienced repair technician. Fidalgo Networking provides professional Virus and Spyware removal at a charge of $59.95 + tax.

Lets Begin:

Firstly, download and Install the software from the link provided here.

Once installed, start the program by double clicking your new ad-aware desktop icon and proceed to the following:

Using the Program:

1. Click the "Update" button to improve your scan results.
2. Download any available updates for the program before you begin.
3. Now the Ad-aware has been updated, select "Scan Now" to continue.

Scanning for Spyware:

4. For the most thorough scan possible, select "Full Scan"
5. Select the "Scan" button to begin the scan. This can take up to 30 minutes depending on the condition and age of your computer.

After the Scan:

6. Place a check on all items in the "Critical Objects" tab.
7. Generally you'll want to select every item listed, so also place a check in all the items in the "Privacy Objects" tab.
8. Once selected, click "Remove" to remove all of the spyware selected. If you receive an message about some spyware not being removable, select the option to remove at next reboot. This will run a 2nd scan during your system startup to help remove any hard to fix files.

The End:

We typically suggest that you run this software once a week to help keep your system free of any unwanted programs. Otherwise, it is our suggestion that you purchase the optional "plus" version of ad-aware, which provides much needed real time protection against spyware...much like how anti virus software protects you in real time.